If the last few years have taught us anything, it is that life is short and the amount of time you think you have left can change in an instant.

Here at Cirillo Travel Group we don't believe in a Bucket List. Instead, we advise our clients to do what every employer asked of you during your first interview and let's plan out trips for the next 5 years. This way it can be more attainable to find the time off, the funds for some of the bigger trips on our list or the energy to explore the world while our bodies still have the energy to do so. If you have the financial means to shorten our suggested timelines or maybe you need a bit more time to save up, don't worry the logic below can be applied to your personal needs.
So let's take a look at what a 5-year travel plan might look like:
Trips to Plan for Year 1 and Year 4 - Budget $200-$1000 pp -
Fill Year 1 and Year 4 with these types of trips or fit as many of these in every year as you can while budgeting for your larger trips.
Two-Night or Long Weekend drive-able getaways to a Hotel & Spa
Camping or RV Rental for a weekend away in the mountains
A quick flight or drive to visit a friend / family - always helps to know a local!
Plan these trips within Year 2 & year 3 - Budget $2000-$5000 pp
More often if your financials allow
7+ Day Cycling, Walking or Trekking Adventures - either self-guided or with support
7-10 Day All-Inclusive Resort stay
River Cruise or Ocean Cruises
5+ Day Northern Lights Adventures, Alaska Ferry/Land Only Adventures or UK & European Vacations
Year 5 Take a BIG TRIP - Budget $6,000-$12,000 pp
Alaskan Land & Sea Cruise
Expedition Cruises - Antarctica, the Artic, Galapagos
Spend 30 days in the destination of your choice - living like a local
160+ Day World Cruise ($80,000 pp)
Wildlife Safari
Then at the end of Year 5, you can start from the top and get to thinking and planning out those larger trips for your next 5 years!
We want to shift the mindset that some destinations can only be visited later and instead make these seemingly once-in-a-lifetime trips into attainable places you can travel to sooner so you may have the time to revisit them again and again. We were fortunate to have taken an Alaskan cruise this past June and I am already itching to go back. If I had waited too long to discover my love for Alaska, then I'd only be dreaming of going back instead of booking my return flights for next Spring!
We know this system may not work for everyone but we believe travel is attainable and accessible for all those who are open-minded enough to try! Let us show you by helping you move trips off your bucket list, and onto your calendar!
Tell us your 5-year travel plans in the comments below!
Submit a New Client Inquiry Form or email us at cirillotravelgroup@gmail.com